Barcelona Centre Financer Europeu y The Bank of New York Mellon organizan un seminario sobre Regulaciones y retos a afrontar en la industria financiera que se celebrará el próximo 12 de junio en la Bolsa de Barcelona (Paseo de Gracia, 19. Barcelona).
9:20-9:30 Bienvenida al seminario
César Valcárcel, Managing Director, Head of Asset Servicing. BNY Mellon Iberia
9:30-10:15 Loans, why now? And other interesting themes in the European debt capital markets.
Robert Wagstaff, Head of Corporate Trust Sales. BNY Mellon EMEA
10:15-11:00 The impact of new derivatives regulation¦.It´s all about collateral.
Jonathan Bowler, Managing Director. BNY Mellon Global Collateral Services
11:00-11:30 Café
11:30-12:15 T2S: Only two years left to get ready
Gael Nicora, Business Executive and Head of Relationship Management France, Italy, Belgium, Luxembourg. BNY Mellon Asset Servicing
12:15-13:00 An update on BNY Mellon response to regulations and business strategy.
Paul North. Head of Product Management for EMEA. BNY Mellon. RSVP
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