Este encuentro tendrá lugar en el Auditorio de la Fundación Rafael del Pino (calle Rafael Calvo, 39 A. Madrid) el miércoles 13 de mayo, entre las 16:45 y las 19:30 horas. Puedes inscribirte en este enlace.
La sesión lleva por título «Escenario para España en un mundo de políticas monetarias no convencionales» y cuenta con destacados ponentes.
16:45 h. Bienvenida y presentaciones.
Vicente J. Montes Gan, Director de la Fundación Rafael del Pino.
Jorge Sicilia, Chief Economist, BBVA Research on Europe
George Tsetsekos, Chair Emeritus, LeBow College of Business, Drexel University and GIC Board Member
17:00 h. Keynote speech of José Luis Malo de Molina, Director General Economics, Statistics and Research, Bank of Spain
David E. Altig, Ph.D., Executive Vice President and Director of Research, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
Daniel G. Sullivan Director of Research and an Executive Vice President at the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
Livio Stracca, Head of the International Policy Analysis Division, European Central Bank
Q&A session moderated by José Manuel González Páramo, Executive Director and Chairman of the International Advisory Board, BBVA, former member of the ECB Governing Council
19:00 h. Cierre de la jornada.
Don Rissmiller, Chief Economist and Founding Partner, Strategas Research Partners and GIC Vice Chair of Programs